NEW AI TECHNOLOGY: Smart Television Advertising in ways never before possible

Here is Steenman’s first article as published in Dealer Marketing Magazine.
NEW AI TECHNOLOGY: Smart Television Advertising in ways never before possible
November 25, 2019 by Ed Steenman
How smart is your new Smart TV? Smarter than you think. Because in addition to cool new features like streaming apps, voice control and Bluetooth compatibility, your TV is doing something else. Tracking every ad view.
As granularity has evolved for digital alternatives such as pay per click, many automotive dealers began to reevaluate the previous effectiveness of their TV and video ad spends in favor of more trackable media. This despite statistics showing total hours of video consumed has been consistently increasing among all age groups, particularly the all-important younger demos.
Now, new technology embedded in your smart TV and other devices provides real-time attribution and tracking of your television (and connected TV) ads along with the viewership activity they drive. Put simply, it is now possible to track what someone does after seeing your dealerships’ TV ad. For example, you can see if someone in a household that just saw one of your ads initiated a subsequent visit to your store’s website. Or, through location services on their cell phones, if someone from that household physically visited your dealership within X days of seeing your ad.