Our Team
Over 30 years of driving results, our experienced team delivers hand-forged advertising integrating traditional and digital media expertise.
Hello. We’re Steenman Associates, a Northwest based full service advertising agency that delivers results driven integrated digital and traditional media solutions to retailers, the automotive industry and event marketers.

Steenman brings over 40 years or experience creating, planning and implementing integrated marketing campaigns for a wide variety of clients and business categories. Prior to opening his own shop, Ed held Senior and VP level positions at several Seattle based ad agencies in both account services and media planning roles. Ed earned his BA from the University of Hawaii and MBA in Business/Statistics from Seattle University where he has returned as an Adjunct Professor and guest lecturer.

Digital Services/ SEO Magician
In a field that's prone to over-complication and 'geek speak', what sets Rob apart is his refreshing ability to call things exactly as he sees them. Meaning you get the unbridled truth about your digital campaigns. Rob holds both an engineering degree and an MBA. He spent many years in the aerospace industry developing new products and services including in-flight internet and in-seat power. He holds two US Patents and has been a featured industry speaker in the US and Europe.

If the devil is in the details, then Daynia is our angel. With extensive project management experience, strong technical and accounting skills, and a large dose of good old common sense, she ensures your projects and campaigns are delivered on time- and on budget.

JP has a love for the creative process that goes far beyond strategy and gets to the true core of your creative challenge. He understands how to draft communication that drives engagement like no one else you'll meet. When he's not filming and driving classic Porsches' or receiving awards, he's living the dream with his wife Richelle and their 3 dogs.

Una Wirkebau is a dynamic economic resiliency and business development expert with over 30 years of demonstrated achievement from Australia to Alaska. She is a highly effective leader, out-of-the-box thinker, and culturally-conscious professional with a passion for connecting people to one another and creating memorable experiences for clients spanning the globe.

With 20 years of web design experience, Ann Marie has built hundreds of different websites, keeping up with the modern trends and features of web design. Ann Marie is a genius at making technology simple for her clients. She specializes in building, customizing and maintaining WordPress websites.